14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (2024)

14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (1)

Alex Fox


This May, billions of cicadas from Brood X are set to burst forth from the soil of the eastern United States after 17 years leading mysterious lives underground. The emergence is the loudest part of a life cycle that began when adult cicadas deposited their eggs on tree branches. Nymphs hatched, fell to the ground, burrowed into the soil and fed on fluids sucked from the roots of plants and trees for years. When the temperature warms this spring, they will rise up from the dirt. Cicadas are chunky, noisy insects with bright red-eyes, so if they’re emerging in your area you can expect to be well aware of them. The raucous four to six week-long event rages until all the participants die and litter the forest floor. Experiencing the throng of insects in person is a surefire way to be amazed. But whether you can stand amongst the buzzing blizzard of bugs or not, we’ve gathered a slew of astonishing facts that will make you appreciate the insects.

Brood X will appear in 14 states

14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (2)

When the soil about eight inches below the surface reaches 64 degrees this spring, cicadas from Brood X will start to claw their way towards the light. They’re expected to emerge by the billions across 14 states, with the epicenter in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia, reports Darryl Fears for the Washington Post.

Brood X is one of 15 broods of periodical cicadas—groups that emerge from the ground on the same time cycle—in the U.S. Twelve of those broods operate on 17-year cycles and the other three poke their heads above ground every 13 years. Researchers trying to map the geographic extent of Brood X encourage anyone enthusiastic about recording their sightings to use the Cicada Safari app. However, if you do go the citizen scientist route, be careful to differentiate the bona fide Brood X emergence from stragglers. In the world of periodical cicadas, stragglers are any individual insects that fall out of sync with their brood’s emergence schedule. Straggler emergences tend to be patchy and scattered compared to the main emergence. Brood X’s 2021 emergence is likely to have even more stragglers than usual because two other adjacent broods have emergence schedules that are four years before and after it, according to researchers at the University of Connecticut. So, if a smaller, lower density patch of cicadas crops up, especially in an area at the limits of Brood X’s range, it’s possible the bugs may not be from Brood X at all.

Brood X is a muse

14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (3)

Back in 1970, three cycles ago, Brood X’s buzz-saw-like calls inspired Bob Dylan to write the songDay of the Locusts.” Dylan heard the cicadas while receiving an honorary degree from Princeton University and the insects inspired these lyrics:

As I stepped to the stage to pick up my degree
And the locusts sang off in the distance
Yeah, the locusts sang such a sweet melody
Oh, the locusts sang off in the distance
Yeah, the locusts sang and they were singing for me

The 1936 Ogden Nash poem “Locust-lovers, attention!” was also inspired by Brood X. The work was first published in the New Yorker and was later collected in Nash’s book I’m a Stranger Here Myself. Here’s a snippet:

Overhead, underfoot, they abound
And they have been seventeen years in the ground.
For seventeen years they were immune to politics and class war
and capital taunts and labor taunts,
And now they have come out like billions of insect debutantes

Cicadas are not locusts

14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (4)

Dylan and Nash shared the misapprehension that the periodical cicada is a type of locust. It is not.

Locusts are a type of short-horned grasshopper and belong to the order Orthoptera along with all other grasshoppers and crickets, while cicadas are Hemipterans which are considered “true bugs” and include aphids and planthoppers.

But, at least in the U.S., this taxonomic distinction has not stopped people from calling cicadas locusts. As Max Levy reported for Smithsonian last summer, early colonists saw hordes of emerging cicadas and quickly misidentified them as locusts. “They were thought of as a biblical plague,” John Cooley, an assistant professor in residence at the University of Connecticut, told Levy. Indeed, a group of cicadas is still referred to as a plague or a cloud. “The question I get the most is ‘How do I kill them?’” Cooley told Levy.

Cicadas have one of the longest insect lifespans

14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (5)

The 13- or 17-year lifespan of periodical cicadas is one of the longest of any insect, but only a tiny fraction of that time is spent above ground. The rest of a periodical cicada’s life is spent underground as a nymph feeding on liquid sucked from plant roots. Over their many years beneath the soil, the nymphs shed their exoskeletons, a process known as molting, five times.

Writing for National Geographic, Amy McKeever reports that the nymphs count the years by detecting the uptick in fluid flowing through the roots they feed on that occurs during each year’s spring growing season. After 13 or 17 cycles, periodical cicadas wait for the soil temperature to reach around 64 degrees before digging their way back to the surface.

Once topside, the nymphs climb up into the trees where they proceed to plant themselves on a branch and transform into winged adults by once again shedding their exoskeletons. At first, the red-eyed adults are a ghostly white with soft, curled-up wings unfit for flight, but their bodies soon harden and turn black and the now rigid wings can finally float the chunky two-inch bug into the air.

Cicadas inundate forests as a survival mechanism

14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (6)

By emerging all at once in densities of up to 1.5 million per acre, cicadas manage to overwhelm predators, from songbirds to skunks, who quickly get too full to take another bite of the buzzing buffet.

“It’s very much like when you go to an all-you-can-eat crab feast,” Gaye Williams, an entomologist for the Maryland Department of Agriculture, tells Darryl Fears of the Washington Post. “The very first bunch that you throw down on your table, everybody grabs crabs and you start cracking them, and you take every last molecule of crab meat. About the fourth tray … people only take the claws. As this orgy of eating goes on, there are animals that actually won’t touch them anymore. They’re full.”

Once the raccoons, frogs, snakes, squirrels, possums and any other animals interested in an easy meal can’t eat anymore, the cicadas are free to go about their business of spawning the next generation.

Humans eat them, too

14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (7)

Animals aren’t the only ones that chow down on the cicada buffet. Humans also get in on the act. Claims about what they taste like vary, with some people comparing them to shrimp, others to asparagus and a few people even mentioning peanut butter. But before you go wild eating cicadas, please note that they may contain elevated levels of mercury and can cause allergic reactions, especially among those with shellfish allergies.

For Native Americans, the history of eating cicadas goes deep. A mid-20th century account tells of the Cherokee in North Carolina digging up cicada nymphs and frying them in pig fat or pickling them for later, reported Mark Hay for Atlas Obscura in 2018.

Near Syracuse in upstate New York, members of the Onondaga Nation eat cicadas during mass emergences like the one Brood X is about to put on, Rick Rojas reported for the New York Times in 2018. The practice ties the Onondaga people to their ancestors, who ate the bugs to survive when settlers and missionaries had burnt their crops and ransacked their villages.

Their lengthy life cycles may help them evade predators

14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (8)

One hypothesis for the reason behind the periodical cicadas’ seemingly inscrutable selections of 13- and 17-year increments for their reproductive cycle centers around the fact that both numbers are prime. The idea is that by popping out of the ground only in prime numbered intervals, periodical cicadas avoid ever synching up with booming populations of predators, which tend to rise and fall on two to ten year cycles, wrote Patrick Di Justo for the New Yorker in 2013.

Mathematically speaking, the logic checks out, but the thousands of cicada species around the world that don’t have synchronized brood emergences in prime increments cause cicada researchers to wonder if this is the whole story. If the periodical cicada’s unique life cycle is so uniquely advantageous, why haven’t the rest evolved similar reproductive strategies?

More than 3,000 species exist

14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (9)

Not all cicadas emerge every 17 or 13 years. Nearly 3,400 species of cicada exist worldwide and the majority of them conduct their emergences every two to five years. Periodical cicadas, made up of seven species in the Magicicada genus, are the only ones that spend either 13 or 17 years underground and they are only found in the U.S. Three of the Magicicada species are 17-year cicadas, while the remaining four operate on 13 year cycles. With multiple species on both schedules, periodical cicada broods often contain multiple species. This might seem strange but the predator-bombarding benefits of emerging en masse remain the same as long as the multi-species broods remain synchronized.

They can buzz louder than a lawnmower

Just how loud can cicadas get?

14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (11)

A full-scale cicada emergence like the one coming for the eastern U.S. can reach a deafening crescendo as millions of males all call for mates at the same time. The amorous din can reach roughly 100 decibels, which is just shy of standing three feet from a chainsaw. To make their love buzz, the male cicadas rapidly vibrate a pair of white, ribbed membranes called tymbals that sit on either side of their abdomens.

Scientists from the Navy's Undersea Warfare Center have studied cicadas in hopes of figuring out how male cicadas manage to produce their incredibly noisy mating calls without expending much effort. The idea is that a device that mimicked a cicada’s method of sound production could be used for remote sensing underwater or ship-to-ship communications.

Their wings repel water and bacteria

14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (12)

Noise making isn’t the only arena where cicadas are providing inspiration for human inventions. The wings of some cicadas are naturally antibiotic, according to research published in 2013. The cicada’s wings kill bacteria on contact with a layer of incredibly tiny spikes and a chemical coating. The special defense doesn’t work on all bacteria, just those whose cell walls are soft enough to slump between the spikes, which stretches the bacterial cell membranes until they tear and rupture. Scientists are interested in the mechanism since it’s a way to passively destroy unwanted microbes without resorting to chemical antibiotics, the overuse of which breeds antibiotic resistant bacteria.

The same coating of nano-scale spikes or pillars that cicadas use to keep their wings free of bacteria also keeps them dry by repelling water. These super-small structures are hard to replicate but last year a team of researchers managed to make copies of the cicada wing’s complex surface using nail polish and a technique called nanoimprinting lithography. The advance might one day find a home in a new generation of rain jackets.

They can host an insect-killing fungus

Cordyceps: attack of the killer fungi - Planet Earth Attenborough BBC wildlife

14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (14)

Some cicadas in Japan appear to have reached a rather cozy arrangement with dangerous fungi. The fungi in question are in the Ophiocordyceps genus and are close relatives of a species that turns ants into actual zombies before bursting mushrooms right out of the insects’ heads.

But the Japanese cicadas keep small pockets of Ophiocordyceps inside their bodies to help them turn a diet of sugary plant juice into something nutritious enough to keep them alive, Ed Yong reported for the Atlantic.

However, not all cicadas rejoice when Ophiocordyceps comes calling. Several species of the parasitic fungi specialize in invading the bodies of cicadas less collaboratively. In these cases, the fungi infect cicadas while they’re underground and then cause them to dig their way back up to the forest floor before killing them and exploding mushrooms out of the corpses.

Another fungus turns the insects into zombies

14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (15)

Annual and periodical cicadas in the U.S. have a terrifying parasitic fungus of their own. Like Ophiocordyceps, the fungus Massospora cicadina infects cicadas while they’re rooting around in the soil as nymphs. Once an infected cicada has emerged back into the sunlight to mate, the fungus starts eating the insect’s internal organs.

As the fungus grows it castrates the cicada and replaces its butt with a white plug made of spores. Massospora also drugs the cicada with an amphetamine called cathinone and psilocybin (the psychedelic ingredient in magic mushrooms), reported JoAnna Klein for the New York Times in 2019. The precise action of the drug co*cktail is still unknown but these spore-toting, hollowed out cicadas buzz on apparently unaware of what has befallen them and are especially eager to do one thing and one thing only: attempt to mate. As these horny, fungi-mutilated bugs fly around meeting members of the opposite sex they spread the deadly spores to their brethren as well as any patches of soil they fly over. “We call them flying saltshakers of death,” Matt Kasson, a fungi researcher at West Virginia University, told the Atlantic’s Ed Yong in 2018.

They have an arch nemesis that eats them alive

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In the summertime, solitary, up to two-inch-long wasps called cicada killers are as single-minded as their name suggests. After mating, females take to the skies to do nothing but hunt bumbling cicadas.

When a female cicada killer grapples with her quarry in mid-air, she uses a honking, needle-sharp stinger to pierce the cicada’s hard exoskeleton and inject a venom that paralyzes the victim. The wasp then has the task of getting the considerably larger, heavier cicada back to her burrow, which can be up to 70 inches long. After dragging her immobilized prey into a special chamber she’s hollowed out along her burrow, the female wasp lays a single egg on the cicada and seals the chamber’s entrance. In two or three days, the larval wasp will hatch and begin eating the paralyzed cicada alive over the course of a week or two. For eggs destined to produce another female cicada killer, the body count is even higher: mother wasps will provision them with two or three paralyzed cicadas. The larvae are said to hold off on chewing through the cicada’s nervous system until the bitter end to keep their meal alive as long as possible.

Climate change may be scrambling their schedules

14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (17)

Some of Brood X’s number decided to pop out a whopping four years early in 2017 and some researchers wonder if the warmer temperatures and longer growing seasons caused by climate change could be behind the increasing number of stragglers. In 2020, Brood XIX also emerged ahead of schedule, joining a growing list of broods with significant straggler contingents.

“We’ve predicted that the warmer it is, the more we’re going to see these four-year accelerations,” Christine Simon, an entomologist with the University of Connecticut, told Levy of Smithsonian. If enough stragglers successfully reproduce, they could start a new brood on a 13-year cycle, or there could be other consequences that we can’t predict. “They’re sitting down there integrating 17 years’ worth of data on what the forest is doing,” John Cooley, an ecologist at the University of Connecticut, told Smithsonian. “And if the forest is screwed up or broken, that’s going to show up.”

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14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (18)

Alex Fox | | READ MORE

Alex Fox is a freelance science journalist based in California. He has written for theNew York Times, National Geographic,Science,Nature and otheroutlets. You can find him atAlexfoxscience.com.

14 Fun Facts About Cicadas (2024)


What is interesting about cicadas? ›

Cicadas hatch above ground, about six to 10 weeks after the eggs are laid in cracks and holes in trees. They promptly drop to the ground and burrow up to a foot into the soil, where they remain for up to 17 years. While they're below ground they molt, rather than pupate, through five instars (growth cycles).

Do cicadas really sleep for 17 years? ›

Cicadas do not hatch out of the ground (they hatched from eggs in tree branches 17 years ago), and they do not “hibernate” (they are underground actively feeding). When they moult to become adults, the correct term for that process is “ecdysis.”

What happens every 17 years with cicadas? ›

Periodical cicadas are amazing creatures that spend over 99% of their lives underground as immature insects; they come up for a few weeks once every either 13 or 17 years to molt into adults, mate, lay eggs and then die.

How big are 17 year cicadas? ›

Periodical cicadas are easily identifiable by their striking black bodies, red eyes and orange wing veins. They have antennae, six legs, and can range in size from 1 to 2 inches long. Periodical cicadas should not be confused with annual cicadas, which are black and green and emerge every year.

What are cicadas facts for kids? ›

Cicadas are a type of insect that live all over the world. In fact, there are over 3,000 species, according to National Geographic. They have big eyes and clear wings. A group of cicadas buzzing can be as loud as a lawnmower – some scientists say they're among the loudest insects in the world.

Do cicadas have a purpose in life? ›

Cicadas are not dangerous and can provide some environmental benefits including: Cicadas are a valuable food source for birds and other predators. Cicadas can aerate lawns and improve water filtration into the ground. Cicadas add nutrients to the soil as they decompose.

Do cicadas bite hurt? ›

They do not sting or bite because they don't have the appropriate mouthparts. They're also not harmful to pets, crops or gardens. Cicadas won't eat leaves, flowers, fruits or vegetables, although they may eat some sap from trees and shrubs, the EPA says.

Why do cicadas scream? ›

Male cicadas have sound boxes in their abdomens. They make their sound by expanding and contracting a membrane called a tymbal. They use their sound to attract females, which make clicking noises when they are ready to mate. The hotter the day, the louder the male cicadas make their sounds.

Are cicadas edible? ›

Cicadas can be eaten at three different life stages: nymph, teneral and adult. All three stages sport the distinctive red eyes that set periodical cicadas apart from the so-called annual cicadas that don't synchronize their emergence. Cicadas come aboveground as brownish nymphs with stubby wings.

What does a cicada turn into? ›

Periodical cicadas are insects that spend most of their lives underground as nymphs, feeding off the sap of tree roots. They emerge to transform into adults and mate. Some periodical cicadas emerge every 13 years and others emerge every 17 years. The males "sing" by vibrating a membrane on the sides of their bodies.

What do cicadas represent in the Bible? ›

The cicada's song is a joyful celebration of their long overdue freedom and liberation. As the Bible tells it, the ancient Israelites also made a musical racket upon being liberated from their Egyptian enslavers.

How long does a cicada live? ›

Cicadas nymphs remain underground, molting through five instars, and emerge from the ground in the fifth instar. Then they molt for the last time, assuming the adult form. The adults live for four to six weeks, feeding on tree sap with their long, beak-like mouthparts.

What does a cicada killer look like? ›

Cicada killers are large, ominous looking wasps that evoke a good deal of fear among people. They look like a giant hornet or huge yellow-jacket and are somewhat aggressive. However, the cicada killer is a solitary wasp, not a social wasp, and as such is not likely to sting unless directly handled.

Will Ohio get cicadas in 2024? ›

Will Ohio have cicadas this year? Short answer: Not this year. Long answer: This year's broods, XIX and XIII will emerge in a combined 17 states across the Midwest and Southeast.

Is a cicada a locust? ›


Cicadas aren't a “Plague of Locusts.” In some areas people call cicadas locusts, but cicadas can't eat crops like locusts. They only drink trees.

What about the cicadas life cycle is very unique? ›

There are only seven species of cicadas that come out all at once every 13 or 17 years—a life cycle that's unique among insects.

What happens if you hold a cicada? ›

Technically cicadas don't bite or sting; they do however pierce and suck. They might try to pierce and suck you, but don't worry, they aren't Vampires nor are they malicious or angry — they're just ignorant and think you're a tree. Just remove the cicada from your person, and go about your business.

Are cicadas intelligent? ›

They can't talk; use the internet; they know nothing about quantum theory; and they have yet to build skyscrapers, or spaceships that can make it to the moon and back... they can't even manage to avoid flying face-first into a glass door. Yet, some species of the Cicada are whizzes at math, when you think about it.

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