Best Bernedoodle Generations [F1, F1B, F2, F2B, F3] - OodleLife® (2024)

Have you ever heard of Bernedoodles? These adorable dogs are also called Bernese Mountain Doodles, Bernese Mountain Poos, or Bernese Poodles.

Do Bernedoodle generations leave you confused? How do you know which type of Bernedoodle to get? What are the best Bernedoodle generations?

Table of Contents

Given I am a Poodle mix expert, I get approached all the time by people confused about Bernedoodle generations. But I got you covered!

You will leave this article knowing

  • Exactly what F1, F1B and F2 Bernedoodles are
  • Which Bernedoodle generation is best for you
  • The best non-shedding Bernedoodle generations
  • And which Bernedoodles are the cutest
Best Bernedoodle Generations [F1, F1B, F2, F2B, F3] - OodleLife® (1)

Bernedoodles are a delight to look at and have at home. Their happy-looking face, combined with their sharp intelligence, energetic nature, and playful, friendly, and easy temperament make them a much sought-after pet across the world.

Did you know the Bernedoodle is a designer dog? Bernese Mountain Dogs are bred with Poodles, usually Standard Poodles, to create this charming and goofy breed. Some breeders may use a Miniature or Toy Poodle instead to create a smaller, cuter Bernedoodle.

Bernedoodles usually shed less hair and are hypoallergenic, so they are great for those with allergies. However, this characteristic entirely depends on the generation of the Bernedoodle. The Bernedoodle’s generation also determines many other characteristics like its health, temperament, weight, coat texture, and color.

I’m here to tell you everything you need to know about the different Bernedoodle generations. With this information, you can confidently select your ideal, perfect pet.

What Does The Bernedoodle Generation Terminology Mean?

Best Bernedoodle Generations [F1, F1B, F2, F2B, F3] - OodleLife® (2)

The terminology around Bernedoodle generations can seem pretty confusing to first-time pet owners. Let us simplify the terms used to describe Bernedoodle generations so you can understand them easily.

One letter you’ll find common in the naming of all generations of hybrid or designer dogs is “F”, which stands for “Filial Hybrid.” It means that the crossbreed in question is the offspring of two different purebred dogs.

The number in the generation types signifies the generation. So the number 1 in “F1” means the first generation of Bernedoodles, and 2 in “F2” means the second generation, and so on.

The letter “B” in F1B Bernedoodle means backcross. Backcross in Bernedoodles means that a Bernedoodle has mated with a purebred Poodle or purebred Bernese Mountain Dog.

However, breeders usually prefer breeding a Bernedoodle with a purebred Poodle. Want to know why?

First, this helps the Bernedoodle to get the best traits of its Poodle parent. Second, Poodles don’t shed much hair and are hypoallergenic. Purebred Bernese Mountain Dogs, on the other hand, are moderate to heavy shedders who shed all year long.

However, sometimes, a Bernedoodle may be mated with a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog. What happens here?

In this case, they get more genes of the latter, which is undesirable and also rare. If you’re unsure about the parentage of your pet, contact your breeder.

An Overview Of The Best Bernedoodle Generations

Best Bernedoodle Generations [F1, F1B, F2, F2B, F3] - OodleLife® (3)

Before we start talking about the traits of each Bernedoodle generation, let’s quickly analyze the genetic composition of each generation. This should help you discern their parentage better.

GenerationBernese Mountain Dog %Poodle %
F1 Bernedoodle50%50%
F1B Bernedoodle25%75%
F1BB Bernedoodle12.5%87.5%
F2 Bernedoodle50% (if from two F1s)50% (if from two F1s)
F2B Bernedoodle37.5% (If F1:F1b)62.5%
F2BB Bernedoodle18.75%81.25%
F3 BernedoodleF2 equivalentF2 equivalent
  • F1 Bernedoodle: 50% Bernese Mountain Dog and 50% Poodle
  • F1B Bernedoodle: 25% Bernese Mountain Dog and 75% Poodle
  • F1BB Bernedoodle: 12.5% Bernese Mountain Dog and 87.5% Poodle
  • F2 Bernedoodle: 100% F1 Bernedoodle
  • F2B Bernedoodle: 37.5% Bernese Mountain Dog and 62.5% Poodle
  • F2BB Bernedoodle: 18.75% Bernese Mountain Dog and 81.25% Poodle
  • F3 Bernedoodle or multi-generation Bernedoodle: 100% F2 Bernedoodle

F1 Bernedoodle (50:50)

Best Bernedoodle Generations [F1, F1B, F2, F2B, F3] - OodleLife® (4)

F1 Bernedoodles or first-generation Bernedoodles are a 50:50 mix of a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog and a purebred Poodle. Most people mean F1 Bernedoodles when they refer to the breed.

The physical characteristics of F1 Bernedoodles vary greatly depending on their genes. Some of them look like an equal mix of both parents, whereas others may look more like one parent. Some others may look nothing like their parents.

Each dog may have a different coat and shedding level. If an F1 Bernedoodle has more Bernese Mountain Dog genetics, it may have flat and straight hair. Bernedoodles with more Poodle genetics tend to sport a curly or wavy coat that sheds less.

Despite variations in traits, most F1 Bernedoodles possess black, brown, and white coat markings that are commonly associated with this canine hybrid.

Standard F1 Bernedoodles can weigh as much as 90 pounds, whereas Mini F1 Bernedoodles may weigh about 40 to 60 pounds.


  • They are hypoallergenic, making them great for people with mild allergies.
  • F1 Bernedoodles top the list when it comes to hybrid vigor.

Hybrid vigor means the enhancement of the desirable traits of a purebred dog in a hybrid litter. Dogs with greater hybrid vigor are healthier than their purebred parents as they usually only suffer from hereditary diseases that are common to both the purebred parents.

  • F1 Bernedoodles will only inherit the genetic deficiencies that are common to both the Poodle and the Bernese Mountain Dog.
  • Their average lifespan is about 16 years.


  • They require a lot of grooming to prevent tangled and matted hair and infections.

F1B Bernedoodle (75% Poodle, More hypoallergenic And Poodle Like)

Breeding a Bernedoodle with a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog or Poodle (most likely the latter) results in an F1B Bernedoodle. As F1B Bernedoodles usually have more Poodle genetics, they tend to be more Poodle-like in look, temperament, and other traits.

With regards to build, they are slimmer than F1 Bernedoodles. Tiny F1B Bernedoodles weigh about 15 to 30 pounds. Mini F1B Bernedoodles can grow as big as 30 to 50 pounds, whereas the standard size is around 55 to 75 pounds.

If you prefer the traits of a Bernese Mountain Dog over those of a Poodle, you can get a reverse F1B Bernedoodle. This one is a mix between a Bernese Mountain Dog and an F1 Bernedoodle.

Although reverse F1B Bernedoodles are rarely bred as they shed a lot, they have the build, temperament, and other characteristics of the Bernese.


  • F1B Bernedoodles have a non-shedding and hypoallergenic wavy or curly coat. However, they need to be groomed regularly to prevent their coats from getting matted and tangled.
  • F1B Bernedoodles have a lifespan of about 10 to 16 years.
  • They have a good amount of hybrid vigor, although less than their F1 Bernedoodle parent.


  • They are usually more prone to the illnesses that Poodles generally suffer from.
  • F1B Bernedoodles need to undergo genetic testing to prevent epilepsy, joint problems, eye diseases, and skin diseases.

F1BB Bernedoodle

Best Bernedoodle Generations [F1, F1B, F2, F2B, F3] - OodleLife® (6)

F1BB Bernedoodles are a mix of an F1B Bernedoodle and a purebred Poodle or purebred Bernese Mountain Dog.

In this case, too, breeders prefer to use a purebred Poodle over a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog to produce a more hypoallergenic first-generation Bernedoodle.

The double “B” in the term “F1BB Bernedoodles” indicates that they are the second backcross with a 100% Poodle.


  • They possess good hybrid vigor although less than the F1 and F1B Bernedoodle generations.
  • They are hypoallergenic and non-shedding.


  • They often have a curly coat that needs frequent grooming and brushing to prevent matting and tangles.

F2 Bernedoodle (Second Generation So Both Parents Are Bernedoodle)

Best Bernedoodle Generations [F1, F1B, F2, F2B, F3] - OodleLife® (7)

The F2 Bernedoodle refers to a second-generation Bernedoodle, born from parents that are both 100% Bernedoodles. Since its parents are a 50:50 blend of Bernese Mountain Dogs and Poodles, it possesses an overall balanced genetic composition of both breeds.


  • F2 Bernedoodles possess a good amount of hybrid vigor, although lesser than their F1 Bernedoodle parents.
  • If you are looking for a little more variety in colors, there is a higher chance you’ll find it in F2 Bernedoodle pups. Due to their genetics, it is quite common to see a litter of puppies with varying colors and shades.
  • F2 Bernedoodles are relaxed furballs, easy to train, smart like their parents, and quite friendly. They are also obedient and great with kids.


  • F2 Bernedoodles can face health issues more frequently, compared to the first-generation Bernedoodles.
  • Second-generation pups are also more likely to shed hair, making them a less-preferred choice for breeders to engineer.
  • They are a bit risky to pick if you suffer from allergies. Look for a pup with a really curly coat to be safe, as they are often hypoallergenic. However, despite a curly coat, this breed might shed fur across your house.

F2B Bernedoodle (Back Cross So Even More Poodle!)

Best Bernedoodle Generations [F1, F1B, F2, F2B, F3] - OodleLife® (8)

Puppies that are a cross between an F1 Bernedoodle and an F1B Bernedoodle are referred to as F2B hybrids. They possess 62.5% Poodle and 37.5% Bernese Mountain Dogs genes. This gives them a similar appearance and personality to Poodles.

F2B Bernedoodles’ coats are often curly like a Poodle’s, but apart, you can’t really differentiate them from the average Bernedoodle.

Alternatively, some breeders cross an F1B Bernedoodle with another F1B Bernedoodle, resulting in offspring with 75% Poodle genetic material. This further increases the chance of F2B Bernedoodles with a super curly, hypoallergenic, and soft coat.


  • If you or your family have mild to medium allergies, they make for great pets to have at home.
  • They are great to play with and can be trained very easily, making them good companions to children as well. Be prepared to groom them occasionally, though, if you don’t want their super soft fur to turn into a matted mess.


  • While most F2B Bernedoodles tend to have curly, hypoallergenic fur, there are exceptions. Hence, in a large litter of pups, don’t be too surprised to see one of them with a flatter, straighter coat resulting in more dander.

F2BB Bernedoodle

Best Bernedoodle Generations [F1, F1B, F2, F2B, F3] - OodleLife® (9)

An F2BB Bernedoodle is a mix of an F2B Bernedoodle and a purebred Poodle. Their genetic composition is extremely close to that of Poodles though they do not look quite the same.

If you are looking for a Bernedoodle that does not shed much or is “allergy-free,” the F2BB hybrid is quite likely to fit the bill.

Due to their similarity to Poodles, F2BB Bernedoodles are often born with extremely curly fur. That’s why they need frequent grooming to make sure that they always have a tangle-free and smooth coat.

F2BB Bernedoodles are often touted as multi-generation Bernedoodles. This is because they are not technically part of the first or second generation of Bernedoodles.


  • They make for amazing, cuddly pets that are a delight to own.


  • They possess low to medium amounts of hybrid vigor compared to the previous generations. So be sure to always ask your breeder to screen the puppies for health issues.

F3 Bernedoodle (Aka Multigeneration Bernedoodle)

Best Bernedoodle Generations [F1, F1B, F2, F2B, F3] - OodleLife® (10)

F3 Bernedoodles are technically the actual owners of the title “Multi-Generation Bernedoodles.” They are a cross between two F2 Bernedoodles or two F1B hybrids.

F3 Bernedoodles are quite difficult to breed as most breeders are not sure about how they’ll turn out. They are a unique blend between Poodles and Bernese Mountain Dogs, and you’re super lucky if you get one.

F3 Bernedoodles usually have wavy or curly fur, making them lean towards the Poodle’s side of the family tree when it comes to their coat.


  • They rarely shed, which is great if you are not a fan of cleaning up all the dander from your clothes after playing with your pups.


  • F3 Bernedoodles are more likely to be born with genetic defects as they have low amounts of hybrid vigor. They must be screened when they are young to identify any health issues that can crop up later in their life.

Which Bernedoodle Generation Is Best For You?

Best Bernedoodle Generations [F1, F1B, F2, F2B, F3] - OodleLife® (11)

Choosing a Bernedoodle generation depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you suffer from allergies or skin sensitivity and are looking for a dog with a non-shedding and hypoallergenic coat, it’s best to get one with curly hair.

F1B and F1BB Bernedoodles usually have a plush curly or wavy coat due to their high amount of Poodle genetics. They also look more like Poodles and have other physical attributes of this parent breed. No wonder families that love Poodles seek them out.

On the other hand, if you want to bring home a healthy dog with greater hybrid vigor, F1 Bernedoodles are your best bet.

Reverse F1B Bernedoodles, though rarely bred, are popular among people who are not allergic to dog hair and prefer Bernedoodles with more traits of the Bernese Mountain Dog, one of them being a flatter, straighter coat. F1 and F2 Bernedoodles may also have this coat type due to a good amount of Bernese genes.

Bernedoodles may fit the bill for those on the hunt for a Bernedoodle with an interesting mix of colors.

In Summary!

So, as you can see, there’s no one Bernedoodle generation that’s perfect for everyone. Different generations have different advantages, so choose carefully. You can also contact your breeder for information about the pup’s parentage and genetics to help you decide.

If you have any questions or thoughts to share with us, send us an email. We’d love to hear from you!

Best Bernedoodle Generations [F1, F1B, F2, F2B, F3] - OodleLife® (2024)
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