Do Hummingbirds Normally Land in Trees? (Answered) (2024)

Last updated on May 26th, 2023 at 11:38 pm

Hummingbirds are exciting birds to watch because they move so quickly and flap their wings with such vigor. But it can be interesting to witness these birds at rest as well.

Hummingbirds normally land in trees rather than on a flat surface such as the ground. Because of how their feet are shaped, it is easier for them to grip a twig or surface edge than it is for them to rest on something flat. Hummingbirds also nest in trees.

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Do Hummingbirds Normally Land in Trees? (Answered) (1)

Why Hummingbirds Land in Trees

Hummingbirds have small feet and very short legs, so they cannot land on the ground as easily as other birds.

However, they can perch on branches or the edge of a surface like a birdbath.

Because of how their feet are shaped, hummingbirds can grip a tree branch quite securely, even while sleeping.

You’ll most often find hummingbirds perched 10’ – 90’ high in the trees, the same height that the female hummingbird will choose for nesting locations.

Favorite trees of the hummingbird include the following:

  • Willow
  • Poplar
  • Birch
  • Beech
  • Mulberry
  • Maple
  • Elm
  • Cottonwood

These trees provide soft plant fibers known as catkins that the hummingbird can use while building its nest.

For this reason, hummingbirds are naturally attracted to these trees and will use them for cover.

Hummingbirds may also perch in inviting shrubs and flowering plants such as honeysuckle and clematis.

Although, you’ll most often see them hovering while they move from flower to flower.

Hummingbirds are generally very active birds, which is why they need to eat so much nectar so regularly.

What Does a Hummingbird Nest Look Like?

Hummingbird nests are soft and malleable, made from plant fibers, twigs, leaves, and spider silk.

They use the spider silk to hold the nest together, and it provides some elasticity while still holding the nest together in a firm shape.

This allows the nest to grow as the nestlings develop.

There are also distinct characteristics that you can use to differentiate the nests of specific hummingbird species.

For example, the Black-chinned hummingbird has a particularly deep nest, while the Calliope hummingbird will attach its nests to a conifer cone.

Some hummingbirds will even maintain several nests at once.

The Ruby-throated hummingbird, for example, will start laying eggs in a new nest while it’s still rearing and feeding young in its first nest.

Why Do Hummingbirds Sleep Upside Down?

Hummingbirds sleep upside down because it takes less energy to hang upside down from a branch than to remain perched upright.

They do much to conserve energy while sleeping to make up for the fact that they cannot eat during this time. Normally, hummingbirds require a lot of energy.

How Hummingbirds Conserve Energy While Sleeping

When hummingbirds are sleeping, they go into a state called torpor, a kind of partial hibernation that allows them to maintain a lower body temperature.

And, therefore, require less energy through the night.

During torpor, the heart rate slows down, the breathing rate drops, and body temperature goes down.

Conserving energy during the night is vital for hummingbirds because they have a high baseline metabolism.

They normally need to eat every 10 – 15 minutes to keep from starving to death, so going hours without food would be very difficult without the ability to go into torpor.

For many animals, torpor is a way to survive the cold winter months.

Chipmunks, squirrels, and other mammals may decrease their metabolism much in the way that a hummingbird does to wait out bad weather for weeks at a time.

Few animals use torpor on a nightly basis as a hummingbird does.

How To Know if a Hummingbird Is Injured

If a hummingbird is perched in a tree or hanging upside down, this is no reason for concern. However, some behaviors are potential signals that something is wrong.

Sitting on the Ground

If a hummingbird is sitting immobile on the ground, the chances are that it’s been stunned or suffered a recent impact.

Perhaps it’s run into a nearby window and fallen to the ground.

It is very unusual for a healthy hummingbird to sit on the ground, as it is difficult to find their balance on a flat surface.

Drooped Wing

Another sign of injury in a hummingbird is a drooped wing. This could happen if the hummingbird has suffered a collision or an attack from a predator.

If you see a hummingbird with a drooped wing, it probably needs medical attention.

Take note of whether or not there are also open wounds or visible blood that need attention as well.


If there are any signs of blood near the hummingbird, you should call for help even if you do not see the wound.

Feathers might cover the injury, but it could still be severe enough that intervention is necessary for the bird’s survival.

Just make sure that you don’t touch the bird, as this could be dangerous for both you and the bird.

What To Do if You Find an Injured Hummingbird

If you find an injured hummingbird, the best thing you can do is call a professional wildlife rehabilitator and notify them of the bird’s condition and location.

They will be able to handle the situation with expertise.

Be sure to call for expert help as quickly as possible, as time is of the essence for an injured hummingbird.

Unfortunately, amateur attempts to revive an injured bird in the wild can often do more harm than good.

In no case should you attempt to feed an injured hummingbird by hand.

Although they need a regular influx of food, an injured bird might not be able to swallow, and forcing liquid into their beak could cause them to inhale the nectar and drown.

Additionally, taking a hummingbird into captivity from the wild without a permit is illegal in the United States under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

Even if you intend to help the bird, taking it from the wild can result in fines up to $200,000.


Do Hummingbirds Normally Land in Trees? (Answered) (2024)
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