Healthy roasted red beets recipe with feta cheese (2024)

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Oven roasted red beets are sweet, rich, tender, and an incredible addition to salads or great as a side dish for any meal! Paired with balsamic vinegar and olive oil, they’re naturally gluten free, paleo and vegan. Add some feta cheese for a burst of tangy flavor.

Healthy roasted red beets recipe with feta cheese (1)Pin

My Grandma is 92. She lives alone, far away from me, but she is, and has always been, one of the most important people in my life.

Until I was 9, my sisters, parents, and I lived in a trailer on Grandma's 100-plus acres in northwest Pennsylvania. My parents tended an expansive garden near our trailer, and Grandma tended an even larger one at her house.

I have more Grandma stories than I could ever recount. Baking her a birthday cake (full of eggshells) with my cousins. Falling in the creek (crick) "by accident." Mowing her grass. Showing up at her house so early in the morning that she and Grandpa were still asleep. Calling her on the phone to ask what she was eating because I didn't like the menu at my house.

So many of my memories from those years involve Grandma's garden, like the year my dad came home with 300 cabbage plants. Pulling weeds. Picking rocks out of the garden. Getting yelled at for stepping on the plants. Digging up a 26-inch long carrot.

A few years ago, Grandma stopped planting her garden and let it grow up into a field. She doesn't need all that food any more, and she doesn't want to do all the canning she once did. She's 89, after all.

Healthy roasted red beets recipe with feta cheese (2)Pin

For nearly fifty years, Grandma canned her harvest. When Joe and I became interested in canning, she shared her recipes for chili sauce, apple butter, spaghetti sauce, pickled beets, sauerkraut, and many others.

I could tell you why I love each and every one of those foods because really, I adore them all. They are the foods of my childhood memories.

Thinking back, though, there's one food that we ate all the time. We ate it for nearly every holiday, every time someone special came to visit, every time we celebrated something. She still opens a jar every time I visit.

It's pickled beets.

Oh, how I love my Grandma's pickled beets.

The unfortunate thing about pickled beets is that they are tough to make unless you have 7-8 pounds of beets. It makes so much that you'd really need to can them.

If you want to try your hand at canning pickled beets (it's easy!), Grandma uses the recipe straight out of the Ball Book. If want a preview of the process, there is an illustrated tutorial at

I know that many of you just aren't interested in canning, so I wanted to come up with another way to enjoy the flavors that remind me of my Grandma.

That's where this recipe came from. I took some fresh beets, cleaned and prepared them, and then roasted them. You can make this recipe with just a couple of pounds of beets, just enough for a side dish at dinner time.

I eat these roasted beets hot (as a side dish) and cold (on salads), and I think they are tasty both ways.

Healthy roasted red beets recipe with feta cheese (3)Pin

What are Red Beets?

Beets, or beetroots, are a root vegetable like carrots, potatoes, and turnips, and they typically grow in the garden during cool weather (so in the spring and fall where I live in Pennsylvania). They are usually a deep red color (although I have also seen yellow ones, but they are not as common), and they get a bad rap. You can buy beets in a can, but those are usually a little slimy and not tasty at all. The best sweet and tender beets are roasted according to the cooking instructions below.

When you buy whole beets, they usually have the tops on, and you can eat the tops (but I never have). If you can find them without the tops, buy just the root part; it's usually cheaper that way. Also, don't buy the biggest beets you can find because they do get tougher when they are very large. Aim for medium-sized beets when you can.

Beets are incredibly healthy. They are relatively low carb and loaded with iron, vitamin C, magnesium, fiber, folate, potassium, and manganese. They're also low in calories and filling, thanks to all that fiber.

Beets stay fresh for a few weeks (similar to potatoes or carrots). You can cut the tops off about one inch above the root and store the beets in a paper bag in the crisper drawer of the fridge for up to a month, or you can store them in any cool, dry location like an unheated garage for a similar amount of time.

Cooking with Red Beets

Beets stain everything. You can sometimes get the red stain off if you immediately wash with cold water, but not always, so don't use your best cutting board to prepare them. They also stain towels and clothes, and they will dye your poop if you eat enough of them (that's my kids' favorite part of eating beets!). Don't be alarmed if you see red in the toilet a day or two later; you're not bleeding internally.

Beets store really well in the refrigerator after cooking, so you'll be able to keep them cooked for five or six days (or maybe even a week). Because they take an hour to roast, we prefer to cook ours on Sunday and then put them in the fridge until the weeknight when we want to eat them. It's easier and makes suppers on busy weeknights a lot quicker.

How to Cook Oven Roasted Red Beets with Low Carb Balsamic Glaze and Feta Cheese

  1. Preheat the oven to 375º.
  2. Wash the beets under running water, using a brush if necessary to remove all dirt. Remove the tops and roots.
  3. Peel the beets using a regular old vegetable peeler, just like you were peeling a potato. I have seen lots of tutorials saying that you should roast the beets whole and then the skins will fall right off, and this is true, but it takes about twice as long to roast whole beets as chopped beets, so it will add a significant amount of time to your cooking. I prefer to take the 10 minutes to peel the beets up front and save an hour or so on the roasting time.
  4. Cut the beets into 1-inch pieces.
    Healthy roasted red beets recipe with feta cheese (4)Pin
    Healthy roasted red beets recipe with feta cheese (5)Pin
  5. Toss the beets with a generous amount of high-quality balsamic vinegar and olive oil. You may need more than I've listed above to make sure all the pieces are well coated with both oil and vinegar, so use as much as you need for your beets. Alternately, you could use a very high quality balsamic vinaigrette dressing such as Chef Tim's Sweet Balsamic Dressing (not sponsored; we just love the dressing). That's what we use at our house in place of separate oil and vinegar.
    Healthy roasted red beets recipe with feta cheese (6)Pin
  6. Spread beets in a single layer on a baking sheet with a rim. You can line the baking sheet with foil if you're afraid of staining and for easy cleanup.
    Healthy roasted red beets recipe with feta cheese (7)Pin
  7. Roast the beets at 375º for 40 to 60 minutes, until tender. The total cooking time depends on how big you chopped the beets. Pieces around ½-3/4 of an inch will cook in about 40 minutes. Pieces around 1 inch will need closer to 60 minutes. Test the largest beets with a fork to make sure they are very tender. The more tender (but not mushy) the beets, the sweeter they will be and the better they will taste.
    Healthy roasted red beets recipe with feta cheese (8)Pin
  8. While the beets are still hot, toss them with some additional oil and vinegar and sprinkle with a generous amount of feta cheese.
    Healthy roasted red beets recipe with feta cheese (9)Pin

Check out these other awesome roasted vegetable recipes:

  • How to Roast Frozen Brussel Sprouts
  • Garlic Roasted Asparagus with Parmesan Cheese
  • Garlic Parmesan Roasted Carrots
  • Easy Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Pecans
  • Oven Roasted Sweet Potato Fries


Healthy roasted red beets recipe with feta cheese (10)

Oven Roasted Red Beets with Low Carb Balsamic Glaze and Feta Cheese

Oven roasted red beets are sweet, rich, tender, and an incredible addition to salads or great as a side dish for any meal! Paired with balsamic vinegar and olive oil, they’re naturally gluten free, paleo and vegan. Add some feta cheese for a burst of tangy flavor.

4.67 from 18 votes

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Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Total Time 1 hour hr 10 minutes mins

Course Side Dish

Cuisine American

Servings 6 people



  • Preheat the oven to 375º.

  • Wash and peel the beets using a vegetable peeler. Cut into 1-inch chunks (see note in #4 below on cooking times).

  • Toss the beets with a generous amount of balsamic vinegar and olive oil. You may need more than I've listed above to make sure all the pieces are well coated with both oil and vinegar.

  • Spread beets in a single layer on a baking sheet with a rim. Roast them at 375º for 30 to 60 minutes, until tender. The total cooking time depends on how big you chopped the beets. Pieces around ½-3/4 of an inch will cook in about 30-40 minutes. Pieces around 1 inch will need closer to 60 minutes. Test the largest beets with a fork to make sure they are tender.

  • While the beets are still hot, toss them with some additional oil and vinegar and sprinkle with a generous amount of feta cheese.


Beets release juices while cooking, so you will want to use a rimmed baking sheet for this recipe.

Chef Tim's Sweet Balsamic Vinaigrette is our balsamic glaze of choice, but you can also use plain balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

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Healthy roasted red beets recipe with feta cheese (2024)


What is the healthiest way to cook red beets? ›

Steaming beets is a healthful cooking method because they retain most of their vitamins and minerals—they're not boiled out in water—and stay incredibly vibrant. Plus, steaming small beets or beet quarters is quick and easy for weeknights.

Are roasted red beets healthy? ›

Health benefits of beets include more stamina during exercise, heart disease and stroke prevention, and lower blood pressure. You can roast, grate, or put them into soups and salads. If you're prone to kidney stones or gout, avoid beets or limit how much you eat.

Why not peel beets before roasting? ›

No need to peel before or after baking. The skin, which is perfectly edible, just seems to disappear during the baking process. The trick to pan-roasted beets is to drop the temperature a bit.

Which is better roasting or boiling beets? ›

Roasting beets gives them a sweeter, richer, and deeper flavor than boiling does. As a cook, I am inspired by colors, so I find beets particularly exciting to work with. My favorite way to cook beets is to roast them, which gives a sweeter, richer, and deeper flavor than boiling does.

What is the most nutritious way to eat beets? ›

Roast Them

Roasting is an overall healthy cooking method with minimal vitamin loss, particularly vitamin C. Roasted beets are rich and sweet with slight mineral flavors. Remember to avoid long cooking times and high temperatures, as these can reduce nutrients. Try using smaller bulbs if you want to prepare them faster.

Is it OK to eat cooked beets everyday? ›

Can you eat beets everyday? It's always best to follow a varied diet. Eating a small amount of beetroot every day is unlikely to do any harm, but a high intake could lead to low blood pressure, red or black urine and feces, and digestive problems for anyone with a sensitivity to the nutrients.

Do roasted beets have a lot of sugar? ›

It's true that beets do have more sugars than many other vegetables—about 8 grams in a serving of two small beets. But that's hardly the same as getting 8 grams of sugars from a cookie. "Beets are high in fiber, which traps the sugar and slows its absorption into the bloodstream," Linsenmeyer says.

Do roasted beets raise blood sugar? ›

Beets may help lower blood sugar and insulin

Beets are rich in phytochemicals that have been shown to have a regulating effect on glucose and insulin in humans. A 2014 study investigated the effects of beetroot juice on blood glucose levels after eating.

What color beets are the healthiest? ›

Despite a difference in color, the two beets are essentially the same when it comes to nutritional value and both add plenty of essential vitamins and minerals to your diet. Have more red beets than golden beets? Try them in a delicious brownie recipe that uses beets.

Does roasting beets destroy nutrients? ›

Like many vegetables, the longer you cook beets—especially in water—the more the colorful phytonutrients leach out of the food and into the water. Retain the good-for-you nutrients in beets by roasting them or sautéing them instead.

Should beets be refrigerated? ›

Store beets in a plastic bag in the refrigerator at or below 41 °F for 7 to 10 days. Beets may be frozen for up to ten months. For best quality and nutritive value, preserve only what your family can consume in 12 months. Select deep, uniformly red, tender, young beets, no more than 3 inches across.

How long should you bake beets? ›

  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Place beets in a 13×9” baking dish. ...
  3. Roast 65-75 minutes until you can easily slide a fork into the beets.
  4. Remove from oven and let cool covered.
  5. Use a paper towel to slide the skins off each beet.
  6. Use immediately or store up to 4 days covered in the refrigerator.

What makes beets taste better? ›

Pair them with bright, fresh flavors- By adding vinegar, lemon juice, fresh herbs, tangy cheese or yogurt to your dish, you will help balance the flavor. This is why you commonly see roasted beets and goat cheese together.

Can roasted beets lower blood pressure? ›

Beets and beet juice are high in nitrates, substances that turn into nitric oxide inside your body. Your body naturally produces nitric oxide, which is crucial for blood vessel health. Nitric oxide relaxes and widens your arteries, allowing more blood to flow through and significantly lowering blood pressure.

Are roasted beets good for liver? ›

Chock-full of antioxidants and nitrates, beetroot has earned its stripes as a potent weapon for heart health, blood pressure, cognition, and inflammation. But when it comes to liver health, this resplendently red root also serves as a natural blood cleanser, purging your body of toxins and heavy metals.

How do you cook beets without losing nutrients? ›

Steaming will retain more nutrients than boiling. Slow-roasting beets in a foil packet or covered baking dish takes away much of the earthy taste and intensifies the flavor, but you will still have a bit of bleeding and nutrient loss. Grilling beets over wood or charcoal will add a layer of smokiness.

Are beets healthier raw or steamed? ›

However, most Americans don't get enough fiber, and beets are a good source of the insoluble type, which helps keep you regular and full longer than beet juice. Raw beets contain more vitamins, minerals and antioxidants than cooked beets (yes, you can eat beets raw!).

What is the best way to eat cooked beets? ›

Beets are amazing in salads, roasted as a side dish, for pickled eggs, in borscht, and so many other dishes.

Do beets lose nutrients when boiled? ›

Betalains are highly concentrated in the peel and flesh of the beet, however, beets do undergo a steady loss of nutritional value with heat, so to get the most betalain benefit, beets should be steamed for no more than 15 minutes, if at all.

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